Philosophy of Behavior Management

One of the goals of The Winston Knolls School at Hoffman Estates Campus is to teach skills and adaptive behaviors that will allow each student to function in the least restrictive environment as independently as possible. All staff members learn the principles of applied behavior analysis and how they relate to comprehensive behavior support. A Board Certified Behavior Analyst works closely with classroom staff to ensure that behavior intervention plans and behavior support is used effectively.

Behavior Intervention Plans

Students enrolled at The Winston Knolls School at Hoffman Estates Campus will have a Behavior Intervention Plan. This plan outlines specific proactive and reactive behavior management strategies that are not already embedded into the classroom management strategies being used by individual classroom teachers. Behaviors targeted for reduction include any behavior that is dangerous to the student, others or property, any behavior that limits the students’ access to a wider range of reinforcers, and/or any behavior that interferes with skill acquisition.