COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Stay updated on closures and other news about COVID-19


Please click here to see updates regarding RSY 20-21.


Please click here to see updates regarding RSY 20-21.


Please click here to see updates regarding RSY 20-21.


Please click here to see updates regarding ESY 19-20.


Please click here to read the latest letter regarding school closure.


As the stay at home order continues, we’ve posted some links below to help navigate this “new normal.” Click on the title of the article to read.
How to Explain a Global Health Crisis to Children with Autism
Coronavirus and Autism: What You Need to Know
In-Home Suggestions for Parents During Quarantine
Temple Grandin’s Tips to Help Kids with Autism Cope During Quarantine


Please check out The Winston Knolls School Facebook page for a special video message from Principal Robert Lee.


Per Governor Pritzker’s statewide stay-at-home order, the State of Illinois is extending the closure of The Winston Knolls School until at least April 30th. Additionally, Illinois State Board of Education has declared that Remote Learning Days will begin for schools statewide on March 31st and continue until at least April 30th or until in-person instruction can resume. Please click here to read the full letter from Winston Knolls President & CEO, Val Belmonte.


Today is the first day of Winston Knolls spring break! Even though we are under a “stay at home” order there are still lots of places you can “visit” with your computer. Check back each day for ideas of attractions to visit from your couch. To see where we’re going today, follow our Facebook page at Happy travels!


Per Governor Pritzker’s statewide stay-at-home order, the State of Illinois is extending the closure of The Winston Knolls School until at least April 7th. We join the State of Illinois leaders in all efforts to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus in the most aggressive manner possible. Please click here to read the full letter from Winston Knolls President & CEO, Val Belmonte.


Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker has announced a “stay at home” order effective Saturday, March 21 at 5:00 p.m. through Tuesday, April 7 for the entire state. To read more about this and other State of Illinois COVID-19 updates, please click here.


If you are looking to have current updates all in one place regarding COVID-19, the Chicago Tribune and Daily Herald sites offer dedicated sections or you can sign up for a newsletter to receive updates in your inbox.


As our day to day lives change over the next few weeks while our students transition to online learning and we practice social distancing to keep ourselves and our communities safe, we ask that you practice kindness whenever you can. Be kind to each other and be kind to yourselves. At this time, the safety and health of our students and staff is our main concern. Please remember to practice safe hygiene. Information on how to protect yourself, your family, and your home may be found on the CDC website at We will get through this together. Stay home, stay safe, and take care of each other.


Click here for some free, online educational resources to use during the school closure.


Guidance for schools from the CDC and other recommendations for travel and physical contact may be found by clicking here.


As a precautionary measure due to the rapidly changing situation with the Coronavirus, The Winston Knolls School will close until further notice, beginning March 16th, 2020. Please click here to read the full letter and overview of remote continuity of education and therapeutic supports from our President & CEO, Val Belmonte. A Spanish version is available here.


The Winston Knolls School remains open as of today, but we will be postponing all field trips and off-campus activities. Please click here to read Principal Robert Lee’s full letter and a list of activities that will be postponed.


Closure Update Letters:
Click the date below to read the corresponding letter.




