I am unfamiliar with The Winston Knolls School at Hoffman Estates Campus. Did your school recently open?
The Winston Knolls School at Hoffman Estates Campus has been open since 2000, previously known as Chicago Education Project (CEP) and The Bancroft School. Please note that while our name changed, we are still the same school and currently offer the same programs as The Bancroft School.
How many students attend The Winston Knolls School at Hoffman Estates Campus?
The Winston Knolls School at Hoffman Estates Campus currently has over 50 students. Each classroom has between six to eight students.
How are students placed into classrooms?
Our seven classrooms are designated as Early Learner, Intermediate Learner and Advanced Learner. Early Learner classrooms are comprised of students whose most prominent deficits include learning how to learn, basic communication, school readiness skills and maladaptive behavior reduction. Intermediate Learner classrooms consist of students who are beginning to benefit from small group instruction and from increased social opportunities. Advanced Learner classrooms contain students who have demonstrated learning from small group arrangements and have shown some successes with traditional curriculum content.
How does a student transition back to a least restrictive placement?
The Winston Knolls School’s at Hoffman Estates Campus philosophy is to assist enrolled students with acquiring strengths to overcome their weakness so that s/he may return to a least restrictive placement within their home school district. When the child demonstrates appropriate readiness skills based on assessments and/or the collaborative decision of the IEP team, every effort is instilled to foster a positive transition experience for everyone involved.
Does The Winston Knolls School at Hoffman Estates Campus have a school nurse?
Yes. The School Nurse Specialist is a full-time staff member and will help ensure the health and wellness of our students.
Is the school closed for holidays and breaks?
Yes, The Winston Knolls School at Hoffman Estates Campus is closed for all major holidays including Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day and Fourth of July. There is also a longer Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, Spring Break, June Break and August Break. Additionally, there are various Non-Attendance and Teacher Institute days throughout the school year. Please consult the school calendar for the full listing.
If my child is sick or needs to be picked up early, who do I call?
If your child is ill or will not be attending school please call The Winston Knolls School at Hoffman Estates Campus main office at (630) 283-3221 by 9:30 AM so that teachers and support staff may be notified. All absences are recorded daily and will be submitted to the home school district on a monthly basis.
Where do I drop my child off for school?
All student drop-off and pick-ups take place at the student entrance in the rear (East side) of the building, during all official and parent arrival, dismissal / pickup times as well as throughout the day. Daily student arrival begins promptly at 8:50am; students may not enter the building before this time. Arrival ends approximately at 9:10am but in the event there is inclement weather, arrival staff will remain at the entrance until 9:20am. For late arrivals after 9:10am or early pickups before 2:50pm (1:50pm on Wednesdays), please ring the doorbell at the student entrance (rear East Side) and a staff member will escort your child from/to the entrance.