Classrooms are arranged by student chronological age (4-year age range & academic/social ability levels).
Mild, moderate, high needs
Instructional design within each classroom is determined by ability level.
Mild needs: 75% whole group/25% small group.
Moderate needs: 50% whole group & 50% small group.
High needs: 25% whole group, 25% small group, 50% 1:1 instruction.
Shortened instructional periods.
15, 20, or 30 minute instructional periods.
Lessons are designed to address student strengths in learning modalities such as visual and tactile.
IXL Math and Language Arts
Reading A-Z
Standard practice of proactive strategies and techniques built into daily routines and procedures.
Frequent structured breaks
Scheduled sensory breaks
Personal visual schedules
Token economies
Praise to reinforce positive and appropriate behaviors.
Routines, procedures, and expectations that are consistently taught to provide predictability.
Token economies teach students basic concepts of earning incentives.
Incentives/reinforcers are tiered.
More points/tokens earned, higher the reinforcer available.
Students learn to choose whether to spend or save.
Related Services
Adaptive Physical Education: 5 days a week, 30 minutes per day
Speech/Language Therapy: pull-out, push-in, consultative
Occupational Therapy: pull-out , push-in, consultative
Behavior Intervention Plan: consultative
Pull-out services center around intense individual skill development. Push-in services generalize individual skills in a natural environment.
Vocational Training
Routines developed and implemented by OT for basic job skills.
Lunches involve student preparation, social skills, and student clean-up to reinforce independence.